Avtomatski rotacijski zaklepni stroj za prodajo

Domov / Stroji za zapiranje / Avtomatski rotacijski zaklepni stroj za prodajo

Avtomatski rotacijski zaklepni stroj za prodajo
An automatic rotary capping machine is a type of automated equipment used for applying caps to bottles, jars, or other containers in high-speed production lines. The machine works by using a rotating turret or carousel that moves the containers through different stages of the capping process.

At the capping station, the machine uses a variety of capping mechanisms, such as torque control, snap-on, or screw-on, to apply the cap to the container. The machine can be programmed to handle different types and sizes of caps and containers, and it can be adjusted to accommodate different production rates and cap tightness specifications.

One of the advantages of an automatic rotary capping machine is its high level of efficiency and accuracy. The machine can cap hundreds or even thousands of containers per hour, reducing the need for manual labor and minimizing the risk of human error. Additionally, the machine's precision torque control can ensure consistent and secure cap application, which is critical for maintaining product integrity and preventing leaks or contamination.

The automatic rotary capping machine can also be integrated with other packaging equipment, such as fillers, labelers, and conveyors, to create a complete packaging system that can handle all aspects of the packaging process. This integration can further enhance the machine's efficiency and streamline the production process.

Overall, the automatic rotary capping machine is a reliable and cost-effective solution for manufacturers looking to increase their production rates, improve product quality, and reduce labor costs in their capping process.

Opis izdelka

Avtomatski rotacijski zaklepni stroj

Znak izdelka

Samodejni rotacijski zaklepni stroj je izključno zasnovala ekipa Neostarpack in ima enofazni brezkrtačni motor, ki je jedrnat in ima velike konjske moči.

Avtomatski rotacijski zaklepni stroj


1. Tesnilni tlak lahko prilagodite z navorom, tako da ustreza različnim pokrovčkom.
2. Nadzira ga PLC sistem z zaslonom na dotik, enostavno za branje in upravljanje.
3. Brez steklenice, brez zapiranja.
4. Vmesno vrteče kolo, da zagotovite natančen položaj plastenke.
5. Parametri pomnilnika za hitro menjavo.
6. Težka transportna vrv je stabilna in trpežna.
7. Natančne tesnilne glave natančno pokrijejo pokrov.
8. Pokrov košara omogoča, da se pokrovčki samodejno spustijo in poravnajo.
9. Zavrtite kolo in tesnilno glavo.
10. Na dnu je opremljen z gumo za zmanjšanje loma pokrova.


Vrsta kape:vse vrste kapic
Premer kapice:22 ~ 120 mm
Hitrost omejevanja:30 ~ 40 steklenic / min
Zahteva zračnega tlaka:6kg
Napajanje:110 V ali 220 VAC, 50 / 60Hz

Avtomatski rotacijski zaklepni stroj

Opcijski dodatki

1. Feeding tray
2. Low storage and missing caps detective system
3. Customized rotate wheel

Hitre podrobnosti

Tip: Capping Machine
Stanje: Novo
Uporaba: Hrana, pijača, blago, medicina, kemikalije, stroji in strojna oprema
Vrsta pogona: električna
Samodejna ocena: Samodejno
Moč: 110v ali 220vac
Vrsta embalaže: Zaboj
Embalažni material: Les
Kraj izvora: Šanghaj na Kitajskem
Blagovna znamka: VKPAK